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1 Corinthians 12:31 NIV

WELCOME TOKEN ~ Black.......

30-DAY TOKEN ~ White ............

60-DAY TOKEN ~ Green ...........

90-DAY TOKEN ~ Red ..............

6-MONTH TOKEN ~ Blue ..........

9-MONTH TOKEN ~ Orange ......

ONE-YEAR TOKEN ~ Yellow .....

Celebrating Our “New Birth Day”
“The Most Excellent Way” acknowledges the importance individuals place 
on their straight and sober time — it's an AA tradition to award
“anniversary” tokens when milestones are reached. 
“The Most Excellent Way” tokens are awarded when participants reach
sobriety milestones, however, we encourage new Believers to use
the tokens to celebrate how long they have been walking with the Lord. 
Recipients are given the opportunity to give honor and glory to God 
for the freedom from bondage their faith in Jesus Christ brings.